Fermented foods were discovered a long time ago, when humans began storing raw food for use in times of scarcity. If we could gure out how our ancestors lived at that time and the containers they used for this purpose, we would easily notice that the living and sanitary conditions differed diametrically from those existing in our current food stores or kitchens. As microorganisms growing in provisions cause fermentation, raw food was naturally processed, acquiring unique organoleptic characteristics. In many circumstances, perhaps ravaged by hunger, our ancestors were forced to eat those fermented foods and some of them may have found them tasty. They learned how to treat the raw material to obtain fermented foods and also as a strategy to extend the storage period. In that way, they could dispose of safe food to be consumed at times of the year when fresh foods were unavailable. For instance, products such as curd or cheese would have been obtained for the rst time

23.1 Introduction: Lactic Acid Bacteria and Food Biopreservation .....................................................431 23.2 Food-Borne Diseases and Bacterial Pathogens ............................................................................432