According to these criteria monofunctional towns and industrial centers in which enterprise of military-industrial complex, coal-mining, chemical, and machine building enterprises are concentrated belong to depressed territories. Suspension of one or two basic enterprises results in total degradation of such a town and its social infrastructure, unemployment, and lack of sources of local budgetary recharge. Regional depressed situation is characterized by impossibility to have simple restoration let alone expanded one as well as economic, demographic, and other processes. Depressed regions turn to be centers of political and social stresses in the country. Depressed territory is small separate monofunctional town within which production dynamics, living standards, and employment level of population are quite lower to compare with average figures in the state (Amosha 2002). Mining town should have:

– coal-mining enterprises; – prevailing specific share of coal industry products in total output of the town; – employment of the majority of employable population at coal-mining enterprises; – considerable specific share of industrial produc-

tion facilities of coal-mining enterprises in the town industry.