Over the past century in Ukraine mined 9.4 billion tons of coal that is almost one third of the available reserves. It is quite natural that were worked out formations with respect to the most favorable conditions. Ukraine today inherits not only the explored reserves of the coal, but mine fund with enterprises of pre-revolutionary, pre-war and post-war construction. Large mines are the new buildings are calculated by ones, as evidenced by the level of average production capacity of the Donbass mines – 500 thousand t/year. Donbass is faced with the alternative closure of most unprofitable mines, which has depleted reserves. At the same time, fully manifested harmful consequences age underground coal mining with storage rock on the surface, unsystemic dumping of highly mineralized mine water and other aspects of activity without regard for the environment. As a natural final of the mass closure of mines, increasingly began to sound the category of “problem regions” and “unstable areas”. In relation to the region with a fairly worn mine fund and the presence of significant amounts of industrial wastes considers two alternatives. One of them provides for the deployment of large-scale work on the processing of waste mines and processing plants, and the second is the continuation of unprofitable mines work (Amosha et al. 2005, Bondarenko et al. 2009). In each of these alternatives is necessary to invest approximately equal to the capital. Then the economic effect per unit of the final product will be different depending on susceptibility natural quality of the remaining reserves and technogenic sites. This is fundamental question.