House Technology Assessment System”, whose evaluation indicators were divided into five areas equally to LEED. In December 2003, the Olympic construction research group published GOBAS (Green Building Assessment system), its indicators were divided into Q and L learning from Japan CASBEE, in which Q means the construction quality and service levels, L means the ecological and environmental impact. In March 2006, the state promulgated the “Green Building Assessment Standard”, which brought public buildings inside the scope of evaluation, this standard fully learned advanced experience of foreign countries, and combined with environmental requirements to set the indicators from six areas: land saving, water saving, energy saving, materials saving, indoor environmental quality, operations management (residential buildings) and whole life-cycle overall performance (public buildings); then broke down the indicators in each category, including controls, general term and preferences, finally declared the buildings with one-star, two-star and three-star based on the actual scores. Up to December 2013, there were 1260 building projects got green building markings.