In January 2014 the Christian Doppler Laboratory (CDL) for Life-Cycle Robustness in Fastening Technology was established as functionally autonomous entity within the Department of Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. This newly founded center is dedicated to basic research in fields relevant to the achievement of Life-Cycle robustness. Robust fastening systems herein are defined as systems able to fulfill the intended function with the required safety level in all phases of their life time (installation, operation, demolition, and recycling phase). This contribution discusses the project goals based on major short comings in the state of the art as well as a solution strategy. In particular, a systematic interdisciplinary approach consisting of literature survey, advanced numerical simulations on a component and system level, and experimental investigations supported by non-contact full-field measurement systems is proposed. The project outcomes will yield the basis for performance based design concepts in fastening technology and transparent safety levels.