Prior to making landfall, numerous agencies throughout the city had made attempts to prepare for the hurricane. In addition, it is reported that perhaps 90% of the city’s inhabitants did actually evacuate on time. is attests to the fact that, in reality, much of the disaster that followed actually had been averted for the majority of the New Orleans residents. ose who remained were mostly those who were incapacitated, did not have the economic means to leave and/or transport loved ones, or those who for various personal reasons chose to stay behind. On August 27, 2005, as the likelihood of the hurricane’s strike on the city of New Orleans became increasingly more likely, the Louisiana State Police activated the Emergency Operations Center in Baton Rouge. Protocol with the operation of this center included a toll-free hotline so that persons could request assistance prior to the full wrath of the storm making landfall and could also gain valuable information as the hurricane neared. is center monitored the path of the hurricane and additional state troopers were made available to assist with the telephone service and to also assist with the continued and increased ow of trac from evacuees who were leaving New Orleans as well as other coastal areas of Louisiana.