HOQ which is based on the research of individual requirements of customers and takes technology and market into account at the same time.

It can be seen from Figure 1 that the model includes eight HOQ components. Shaded area is the core content of this work. We use three methods such as questionnaires, expanding the hierarchy of needs, and expert scoring to get the data source of the feature set of customer’s demands, engineering and technology characteristics as well as correlation matrix between customer’s demands and engineering characteristics. Based on the fact that different customers have different needs, the importance of customer’s needs is the comprehensive association of the individual needs of customers and technology characteristics of products. By comparing with other companies’ solution to customer’s needs and considering our own company’s business strategy and qualifications, we will use market competitiveness module to evaluate the market of new product where company is going to explore. By comparing with other companies’ solution to technology characteristics and considering about the product technology characteristics that we can achieve, we will use the technology competitiveness module to evaluate the technology competitiveness of a new product. Quality planning objectives is an important factor in terms of technical characteristics obtained through research and analysis. Related characteristics show the connection of individual needs of customers and product technology characteristics.