ABSTRACT: In the present work, the relationship between Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) deterioration and marine environmental factors assessed in Fougueux and Bucentaure site are presented. The two war ships were sunken during the Trafalgar Battle (1805) in the Bay of Cadiz. An assessment of UCH deterioration was carried out. Firstly, an archaeometric study was conducted by in situ measurement in guns and anchors located in both studies sites. Secondly, corrosion rates in modern samples of different metallic materials (iron, iron cast, copper and brass) placed in both sites were periodically evaluated by mass loss and electrochemical tests. Physical, chemical and biological conditions were monitored in the shipwreck sites. The archaeometric results are consistent with the corrosion tests carried out in modern samples. The corrosion rates are mainly correlated with physical factors, which exert a direct impact on material degradation, and in turn control the hydro chemical and geochemical characteristics, affecting the development of biological communities.