The thermal environment is one of the main factors that influence working conditions. Thermal comfort is when the individual expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment, being in equilibrium with the surrounding environment (Ferreira & Talaia, s.d.). Under normal conditions, the human body lying on thermal comfort while keeping approximately the temperature between +37°C −0.8°C by balancing the internal heat production and the heat loss to the environment (Sá, 1999). The thermoregulation of the human body is made through three different mechanisms: blood vessels, sweat and secretion of thermogenesis. Thus, the room temperature is important in determining the rate at which body heat is transferred to the environment and the facility with which the body can regulate and maintain its temperature. In addition to the foregoing, the ascent of the body above the comfort zone temperature can cause psychological problems (discomfort, malaise); psychophysiological (increased workload on the heart and circulatory system) and pathological (worsening of disease).