The health policy promotion requires the obstacles identification in order to adopt the correct preventive policies outside from the health sector, with the purpose to eliminate them.

The main objective of the elaboration of a Health and Safety Plan (HSP) is to list the evaluation of the risks at different construction phases and create preventive measures to them. As so, this document must be initiated with the project, as well as it must be adapted and developed during the execution of such work, being this plan


2.1 Methods

In a first phase of this paper, the Decree of Law No 273/2003 content was studied, as well as its requisites in safety construction and requirements to elaborate the Health and Safety Plan. Since this study main aim is the Safety plan analysis, it was of utmost importance to find out which elements must be included on it. For this, the Safety and Health Plans of Vila Real city in 2009 were analyzed. The total sum of these plans was sixty. A check-list was created based on the pretended answers in order to obtain a quality analysis of the Safety and Health Plans in the project phase (Pinto 2011). Taking into account that the elaboration of such a plan must contain all useful documents to risk evaluation and prevention, the HSP was subdivided in 3 chapters:

• Descriptive memory; • Undertaking characterization; • Risks preventive actions.