Despite the long-standing debate regarding the benevolent nature of religious behaviour, one that predates modern academia, recent research indicates that it is generally associated with positive life outcomes. Several recent meta-analyses have found that, on the whole, higher levels of religious behaviour are associated with a variety of different positive life outcomes. For example, Moreira-Almeida, Lotufo Neto, and Koenig (2006) reviewed 100 studies that examined the relationship between religious behaviour and subjective well-being. They found that 79 of them reported a significant positive relationship while only a single study reported a negative correlation. Similarly, Hackney and Sanders (2003) found significant inverse correlations between various conceptualizations of religious behaviour and psychological distress. They also found positive associations between the same conceptualizations of religious behaviour, life satisfaction and self-actualization. Generally speaking, it appears that positive outcomes are associated with only certain conceptualizations of religious behaviour. Based on this, it seems plausible that at least part of the debate that has plagued the academic study of religious behaviour is rooted in these varying conceptualizations. One of the most common distinctions is between extrinsic and intrinsic religious behaviour. The former refers to both organized (e.g., church, religious services) and unorganized (e.g., prayer) religious activity while the latter refers to internal commitment and belief. Understanding such distinction appears to be crucial to making sense of past results and it must be kept it in mind for future investigation. From here, the more practical benefits of religious behaviour come into question.