This chapter reviews the effects that hydrogen incorporation pro-

duces on the electronic properties of dilute nitrides, as determined

by optical spectroscopy experiments. In the first instance, H brings

the band-gap energy of Ga(AsN) and related materials back to that

of the N-free host material. This dramatic finding is due to the

electronic passivation of N atoms by H atoms following the formation of specific N-H complexes. These complexes can be progressively

and controllably deactivated by either thermal, electron, or optical

treatments. Nitrogen passivation involves the entire band structure

of dilute nitrides and causes a tunable variation of the transport

(electron mass) and spin (electron gyromagnetic factor) properties.

The application of magnetic fields and hydrostatic pressures

combined with the effects of hydrogenation permits to unveil

an electronic hierarchy between different aggregates of N atoms

(N clusters [NCs]) that contribute to a different extent to determine

the puzzling compositional dependence of the physical properties of

these fascinating materials.