X-ray techniques played a key role in the understanding of the

modifications of the structure of dilute nitrides induced at different

length scales by hydrogenation. X-ray diffraction provided the

scientific community with the first evidence that the modifications

of the electronic properties discussed in Chapter 2 go in parallel

with a remarkable variation of the alloy structure. Advanced

synchrotron radiation X-ray spectroscopy techniques coupled with

ab initio simulations based on density functional theory calculations

provided firm evidence that the effects of hydrogenation of dilute

nitrides are related to the formation of N-H complexes of C2v symmetry, in agreement with infrared (IR) absorption, and that

virtually any single N atom incorporated in the alloy is involved in

the formation of these complexes. X-ray spectroscopies constitute

an innovative approach in the analysis of the three-dimensional

structure of defects in semiconductors, unique in its capacity to

inherently probe and weight all the atomic geometries of the N

local environment and highly complementary to other structural

tools discussed elsewhere in this book. Finally, these techniques

provide a “local view” of themodifications of the electronic structure

consequent to hydrogenation, specific to the dilute species at

the origin of the effects, and complementary to the “average”

electronic properties addressed by the more standard probes used

in Chapter 2.