Vitex Negundo Linn (Verbenaceae family) is an important medicinal plant usually found in the south east Asian countries. The extract from leaves and roots has important applications in the field of medicine. Decoction of leaves is considered as tonic and vermifuge [1]. The leaf extract has seen application in Ayurveda and Unani [2] medicine. Its mosquito repellent [3], antiarthritic [4], analgesic [5], hepatoprotective [6], anti-inflammatory, and antiallergic [6, 7] activities are commendable. The plant has insecticidal [1, 8], antibacterial, and antifungal activities [9] also. A long series of compounds,for example, essential oils [10], vitamin-C, carotene [11], b-sitosterol, iridoid glycosides [12], flavonoids, flavone glycosides [13, 14], and triterpenoids-ursolic acid and betulinic acid [6] are also identified from the leaves and seeds of this plant.