International air transport is the basic industry of the national economy with large external economic benefits. The number of passenger air routes characterizes the universality of regional association. In other words, with the number of air routes rising up, the range of radiation and the association between different regions will be wider and the number of tourists will grow accordingly. The civil aviation of our country has developed dramatically from 1978 to 2013 due to the reform and opening up policy. During this period, the number


With the rapid development of economic globalization and aviation internationalization in the 21st century, the proportion of disposable income continues to increase. The majority of passengers are prone to go overseas. As the feature of greater space distance and longer time, time and space efficiency have became the modern sense of region connection and the convenience of network. Air transport has become the main transportation for the entry-exit tourists. Regarding to the fact that aviation has a great influence on the tourism, the future study of the relation between each other’s development will be of great value. According to industry statistics bulletin from CAA, the proportion of entry-exit passengers is increasing year by year in the passenger structure of our country. Under the international environment and popularity of civil aviation, the number of visitors traveling will continue to increase.