This chapter discusses the comsol Multiphysics to establish a three-dimensional model of the pipeline leakage field, change permanent magnet size, check the leakage magnetic field of magnetic induction intensity of axial and radial component, quantitative analysis of magnetic saturation degree, and the size of the corresponding relations between permanent magnet. In order to make the pipeline in the critical state of saturated magnetization and magnetic field, and also be able to detect magnetic flux leakage signals of the defects, the excitation unit inside the pipeline magnetic flux leakage detector is optimized. Studying the magnetic flux leakage detection principle and the permanent magnet excitation intensity of the pipeline can achieve magnetic saturation. Magnetic flux is pipe; the pipege into the detector inside Magnetic flux leakage testing is a magnetic pheenonon through the magnetic sensitive element probe leakage testing method is one of the current oil and to detect through the magnetic sensitive in motion detector gas transmission pipeline detection.