Support Vector Machine (SVM) is proposed by Corian cortes and Vapink in 1995. It shows many advantages in solving the small sample pattern recognition, and can introduce into other machine learning problems. Support vector machine is widely used in various fields. In the medical field, it can be used in genetic research and genetic map recognition; in the signal processing field, it can be used in tone recognition, the underwater target recognition; in the image processing field, it can be used in image classification, license plate recognition (Vapnik 2000, Shen 2012). In recent years, support vector machine has been successfully implemented in the related research area. Until now, most of the support vector machine is implemented based on the computer software system. There is a few of support vector machines specially used for image recognition is implemented on FPGA (RuizLlata et al. 2010). This paper implements a linear separable support vector machine recognizer based on the STC89C52 single chip microcomputer. The recognizer inherits the advantages of the single chip microcomputer, which makes this product more convenient and ecient to use (Ma 2007, Guo 2009).