Current domestic researches mainly have placed the focus on the planning layout of fire stations. For instance, Several Discussions on Urban Fire Control Planning Development conducted by Wang Zhonggang have determined the classification of fire station point layout in accordance with the requirements for layout locations set out in the standards on urban fire station construction. According to the aforesaid conditions, the determination of fire station point layout should be based on the arrival at the jurisdiction edge within 5 min after receipt of the instruction and the jurisdiction with an area of less than 7 m2. However, such a determination principle is not suitable for making a plan for the location but appropriate for being a principle of selecting location for fire stations (Wang Zhongguang, 2008). The responsible areas of fire stations are determined based on the possible fire fighting trucks’ 5 min arrival capability deriving from traveling speed of the fire fighting trucks on the main road. There are still some problems in practice, though more researches have been conducted on urban fire fighting. For example, the Study on Current Situation of Planning and Countermeasures conducted by Chen Lei has pointed out the non-compliance of fire station layout with the national standard, the serious lack of firefighters and failure of firefighting equipment development to satisfy the needs of fire control tasks (Chen Lei, 2008). There is now no uniform method for planning urban fire control, thanks to slow upgrading and renovation of municipal fire-fighting facilities, lack of uniform planning construction for natural fire-fighting water source, lower use efficiency and weaker integrated emergency response mechanism. However, some mature methods have been in use. For example, fuzzy & comprehensive assessment system is adopted in the Discussion on the Linear Optimization Model of Urban Fire-fighting Planning conducted by Li Feng and so on, but it is difficult to quantify all the factors (Li Feng, 2007). The GIS technology has been widely used in the

plan and expectations of planner for future spatial layout and calculating the transportation route, transport vehicle, time and expense. To sum up, the use of GIS spatial analysis technology has a significant meaning in the fire-fighting planning for Jiaonan City.