In order to meet the needs of computer professionals in the new era, computer professional students are required to have the capabilities of the system design and system application. These capacities require the students to master basic computer system knowledge, understand the interaction between computer hardware and software systems, which are the core requirements of the computer professional, and that is just the computer system capacity training requirements1. The computer system capacity includes conscious use of the systems view, understanding the integrity of computer systems, relevance, hierarchy, dynamic and open, and use a systematic approach to mastering the computer hardware and software, and understand the mechanism of interaction between them2. In order to meet the needs of computer system capacity training, the core courses of the computer science undergraduate curriculum system should be adjusted, to make the correlation closer between the course content, and smoother in course connections. Similarly, the experimental teaching in these courses should commence around the computer system capacity training, making course experiments connected seamlessly, so it need the course experiment to undertake the content of the previous course experiments and at the same time prepare for the subsequent course experiment, then all these experiments will eventually form an integrated experimental teaching system.