ABSTRACT: The technical solution initially planned for the project for Contour of City Araranguá in BR-101/SC was balance berms. Thus, the embankment with balance berms would begin on the boundary of the crossing to the riverbank Araranguá. With a 2.160 m length extension, and that because of the low support capacity of the ground, with a width of up to 250 m and height of 5 m. This embankment would develop in a region over rice crops with high productivity, and land worked by farmers for decades. Another problem caused by berms would be the effect of a dam caused by the embankment, since the planned bridge over the river Araranguá would be the only way out of the water. However, National Department of Transportation Infrastructure – DNIT proposed an alternative project, replacing the balance berms for a viaduct with metal columns and pillars, crossbars, beams and deck in reinforced concrete. The viaduct was designed as an alternative solution for the replacement of balance berms was designed in reinforced concrete, Class 45 as defined in Brazilian Standard ABNT NBR-7188 to load 45 tons, and double track. The viaduct consists of two segments, connected by the existing viaduct in the middle the stretch, the first section is 587.37 m long, and the second section is 1072.22 m long, with a total length of 1661.59 m. The isotactic structural system consists of multiple trusses of five longitudinal beams, supported transversely for two crossbeams and a slab of reinforced concrete, molded in situ. The deck is 24.10 m wide; with two lanes of 7.20 m each, two road shoulders of 1.10 m, and the extremities is barriers of 0.425 m and double barrier of 0.65 m in the center. The mesostructure is composed from transverse blocks constant section, and support for the main beams. The foundations are metal columns in laminated steel profile. The solution viaduct certainly was the most suitable for the situation described. Technically, it is not subject to any risk of consolidation, deformations and settlements of land, which would require continuous maintenance. The viaduct is rigid structure, easily defined and quantified, unsurprisingly during its execution, and maintenance costs will be lower than other solutions. This solution reduced practically zero the socio-economic and environmental impacts in the region. The change of the solution still is by public interest having the support of the local population, and is based by the principle of efficiency that should govern public administration.