Recently, multimedia becomes increasingly popular for the users of ad hoc networks. In wireless channels, however signal attenuation is a major factor of performance degradation if not well treated. In order to mitigate the deteriorated eects of signal fading, the cooperative communication is presented in wireless communications. Recently, cooperative MAC (shorted as CoopMAC), as a novel MAC protocol using cooperative diversity, was proposed to improve the performance of wireless local area networks[1]. The main idea of CoopMAC is to select an intermediate station, called helper, to assist a low rate source station by incorporating a new two-hop link from the source to its designated destination in the transmission. And, either the link between the source and the helper or the link between the helper and the destination suers much weaker signal fading with both the source and the destination as compared to the direct link between the source and the destination. Thus, CoopMAC can achieve much better throughput relative to the conventional MAC[2,6].