Tourist attractions are an important part of the tourist industry. A-grade tourist attraction identification is the national criterion that measures the overall quality and grade of a tourist attraction[1]. In Guizhou Province, where dierent ethnic minorities co-exist and the natural environment is beautiful, according to incomplete statistics, as of December 2013, there were 101 A-grade tourist attractions. Chang J., ET AL (2013) noted that Guizhou receives 39 million tourists every year and ranks the 22nd after China. Of the 2,926 million tourists received by the A-grade and higher attractions across China, Guizhou contributes only 1.33% [2]. This suggests that there is still great room for the local tourist industry. As the spatial structure of tourist attractions is a constraint on the tourist flow to some extent, it is necessary to characterize the spatial structure of the A-grade and higher tourist attractions in Guangzhou.