With the advent of the mobile era, mobile phones are no longer just limited to voice conversation; it has become a personal mobile entertainment center, with a huge mobile games market (Chang, et al., 2010). In recent years, the game industry faced a dramatic shift due to the rapid growth of smartphones, from PC games, online subscription based, free online, etc., to the developmental trend of mobile game industry (Liu, 2012). In comparison to traditional PC platform or video game platforms, costs for research and development of App game are less than 1/10 of the capital, attracting a large number of independent developers to give up their full-time jobs, and be engrossed in this exceedingly creative and highly risky new type of platform (Liao, 2012). Mobile Internet and the popularity of smart phones caused the rapid growth of mobile games, making it a competitive field in the gaming industry. Smart phones also diversified the development of mobile gaming, making it the second largest gaming platform of the future (Tsai, 2012). Since the release of the mobile game Angry Bird in 2009, these games gradually became one of the mainstreams in the market. The launch of Temple Run, Line Bubble and other popular mobile games soon after brought the market to new heights,

In summary, the purposes of this study are as follows:

1. To understand the impact of mobile puzzle battle card games to consumers’ game experience and purchase intention.