This study mainly employs KFC to implement new styling designs of golf accessories. Related design steps are as following and the framework is shown in Figure 1.

Step 1: Prepare eighty to one hundred images. The researchers need to link the key websites to


The modern golf is originated in Scotland. After past several decades, golf becomes one of the most popular sports worldwide. It is estimated that there are around 25 million golfers in the US, 15 million in Japan, and 2.5 million in European countries (Correia et al. 2007). Recently, due to the success of the female golfers, such as Ya-Ni Tseng, in Ladies Professional Golfers Association (LPGA) tournaments, Taiwan female golfers, especially 20 to 30 years old, have rapidly increased. The increased young female adult golfers induce some challenges in the market. Different from male golfers preferring higher quality perceptions in tangibles, the female golfers prefer higher levels of quality perception in empathy (Lee et al. 2011). It means that how to effectively meet the emotional or kansei needs of young female adult golfers become a crucial issue for product designers.