In the bitmap mode, the “bitmap” is not equivalent to the bit map. In fact, it refers to the use of as the bmp file extension for the digital image and is traditionally used to save black and white images. The digital image in bitmap mode uses only black and white pixels in one of two colors to store black and white images. The amount of information it contains and stores is minimal. Bitmap mode is mainly used in devices that do not recognize color and gray scale. In a bitmap, grayscales can be simulated by dithering. Bitmap mode is also used for text recognition within image files. This is known as OCR (optical character recognition). OCR technology converts an existing color or possibly grayscale image to the bitmap image color mode before processing. Bitmap mode is also often used to mimic the effect of newspaper printing, which is black and white. To avoid variegated and gray impact printing results, when screen printing film, digital image color mode is often converted to a bitmap mode.