The early puppet shows is a traditional and modern; ancient book with golden puppet shows distinction between concepts (Chen Long-Ting, 2000). They are two different styles of performance. Puppet shows is a famous ancient book chapter novels as the basis, and the golden puppet show is a folk novel skeleton, plus individual in Live starring performance from Golden Puppet shows with bright lighting and scenery changes to Western pop music replace traditional gongs and drums when the soundtrack. Usually, they had chosen in theater performances. The audience must buy tickets and performers are required to rent the venue box office and bear pressure. Therefore, the show must catch the audience preferences, and to arrange suspense ensure that the audience will watch the show every day. 1960s, puppet shows began to board the TV screen, in addition to the continuation of the outer form of golden puppet shows show. Performers must meet the company’s television production methods must first record the movie and then splicing. Although no direct facing the audience, but must pay attention to the TV viewers perspective. In order to achieve optimal video screen, photographic lens viewfinder must to be very careful.