The figure 1 illustrates the structure of traditional single core based structure for data storage. We can sense the low effectiveness of this kind of single channel structure.

3.2 Core algorithms

In this section, we discuss the advanced MDS-IFR code optimization algorithm. Our objective is to design the MDS-IFR code so as to minimize the system repair cost, if a non-repairable failure patternγ occurs with possibility, download and decode the data object will be data from a set of storage retrieval then re-encoded. We assume that the system is properly designed and the probability of non-repairable failure mode is very small. Therefore, we focused on minimizing the expected maintenance cost per unit data, the expected all repair mode. The repair cost can be denoted as the following formula one:

c b p c br repairable

r, , , :

∑τ γ τ γ( ) ( )( ) γ


The formula 2-6 present the optimization operation procedures.