In design stage, resistance and power estimation can be done by numerical methods, computer programs as well as by model test (Bal 2008a & 2011). Of these methods, the resistance values calculated by the model tests are widely used for many years. However there are sources of uncertainty occurring in the test system. Sources of uncertainties should be analyzed in terms of the reliability of the test results. Particularly, the large components of uncertainty must be estimated as the quantitatively. There are numerous predictable and unpredictable factors that influence the measurement results. One by one examination is not possible. However, limited sources of uncertainty can be examined through the existing academic knowledge. In this study, the uncertainties are examined occurred in resistance towing tests (ASME 2005). For uncertainty analysis of ship resistance, the special procedure have been developed with standard uncertainty analysis method and data collected from the towing tank by International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC). Procedures for


Experimental studies are commonly used in the mathematical modeling solution using idealization and assumptions (Coleman and Steele, 2009). The reliability of the solution is directly related to the measurement or measurements. Therefore each step of the test system must be analyzed precisely. If any uncertainty that may occur in these steps, it will adversely affect the test results. Consequently, the measurement result may be far from the actual value. To prevent this, uncertainties in the system must be calculated how much they will affect the test results. Uncertainty analysis method is applied to the test system an answer to this question. Uncertainty analysis is used in order to specify the quantity of the uncertainty of the measurements, which contains both statistical and engineering analysis (ASME 2005).