Rhodiola rosea (R. rosea) belongs to the plant family of Crassulaceae and grows primarily in high altitudes in the mountainous arctic areas of Tibet, Russia, China, and India. In addition to R. rosea, 200 other species of Rhodiola have been identied, and 20 of them are currently used in traditional medical systems to combat a number of physical and mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and fatigue.1 In 1775, R. rosea was listed in the rst Swedish pharmacopeia with all its medicinal properties2 and it has been the most studied Rhodiola species in Russia, China, Scandinavia,3 and more recently in the United States. In 1948, two Russian scientists evaluated the chemical composition and biological activities of a number of herbs, including R. rosea. They discovered that some herbs protected against a variety of biological, environmental, and psychological stressors. Based on their work, the term “adaptogen” was coined and R. rosea was considered a potent adaptogenic herb.4