This paper describes firstly, the effect of all size of aggregates on the compressive strength of the ordinary concrete used in buildings The importance of this effect is determined by conducting laboratory experiments on ordinary concrete prepared using aggregates of different size (but same type: limestone) without varying water cement ratio in this phase. Jain et al. 2011 demonstrated that for all types of aggregates, pervious concrete mix prepared using smaller size of aggregates demonstrated higher compressive strength. The experimental results indicated that Mechanical behavior of cylindrical samples appeared that maximum stress (σcyli) tend to increasing with smaller size of aggregates; and the longitudinal deformation diminish with 1–62.5 mm size; Elastic module remain approached except with 1–62.5 mm size of aggregate. For cubic samples, maximum stress (σcubic) greater than cylindrical samples and they gave the same results as cylindrical samples, see table 1. Physical properties of aggregates classified using the initial experiments such as: sieves analysis, the water content test; coefficient of absorption, bulking of sand test, cleaning of aggregate, porosity and real volume bulk density.