Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is an anterior, superior and external rotational displacement of the proximal femoral metaphysis relative to the fixed epiphysis which occurs through the physis during the prepubescent and adolescent growth spurt. The average age of presentation in boys is 13 years and in girls 12 years. If untreated, the slip cans progress and a small proportion of unstable SCFEs can progress despite seemingly adequate treatment. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis is felt to be a common cause of degenerative hip disease in adult life. As the severity of the SCFE increases so does the incidence of degenerative hip disease later in life; thus diagnosis at a lesser degree of SCFE is desirable. In situ fixation involves placement of a single cannulated screw in the centre of the epiphysis in both anteroposterior and lateral views, and gives excellent results in stopping SCFE progression with minimal risk of chondrolysis.