APHRODITE Asian Precipitation Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration Toward the Evaluation of Water Resources

ATR Adjacent temporal reduction AVHRR Advanced very high resolution radiometer DDF Degree-day factor Epan Pan evaporation ENSO El Nino Southern Oscillation EOS Earth Observing System FSCA Fractional snow cover GOES Geostationary observational environmental satellite IMS Interactive multisensor snow and ice mapping


MODIS Moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer MODSCAG MODIS Snow Covered-Area and Grain size

retrieval NDSI Normalized di¦erence of snow index NDVI Normalized di¦erence of vegetation index NOHRSC National Weather Service at the National

Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center NS Nash-Sutcli¦e SCA Snow-covered area SCD Snow-covered duration SCED Snow cover end date SCI Snow cover index SCOD Snow cover onset date SSM/I Special sensor microwave/imager SWE Snow water equivalent TP Tibetan Plateau

Acronyms and De¤nitions ................................................................................................................ 259 10.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 260 10.2 Principles of MODIS Snow Cover Mapping and Standard Products ............................. 260

10.4 Snow Cover Parameters (SCOD, SCMD, SCD, and SCI) ................................................. 267 10.5 Snow Cover as a Water Resource for Lake Level and Watershed Analyses ................... 269

10.6 Snow Cover Change in Responding to Climate Change ...................................................273 10.7 Snow-Caused Livestock Disasters in Pastoral Area: Early Warning ...............................276