Professor, Hochschule Ludwigshafen, BWL und Entrepreneurship, Studiengang Weinbau and Oenologie Breitenweg 71, Germany

Abstract ................................................................................................... 31 3.1 Introduction .................................................................................... 32 3.2 The German Wine Market Context ................................................ 34 3.3 Literature Review on the Value of Wine and Tourism ................... 40 3.4 Strategic Positioning of German Wineries ..................................... 48 3.5 Strategic Tourism Clusters of German Wineries ............................ 56 3.6 Summary and Outlook ................................................................... 60 Keywords ................................................................................................ 62 References ............................................................................................... 62


This chapter explores wine and tourism from a managerial and strategic perspective of the wineries. Despite a lot of recent literature there is a lack of empirical data of the wineries’ strategic behavior and the role of tourism in their strategic grouping. Wineries’ active engagement in tourism

should be strategically motivated and not only rest upon free-ridership. Hence, the questions of the impact of tourism for the wineries, whether they should all engage more intensively, whether tourism represents a strategic lever, and which tourism activities and with what intensity fit which strategic orientation still need to be addressed. A panel on German wineries’ strategic grouping and innovation measures provides empirical insights of winery management and value-added offerings in the context of wine and tourism.