A review of the weight loss maintenance literature shows that weight regain is a problem regardless of the treatment used. Weight maintenance studies are rare compared to the prolific number of weight loss studies. The commercialization of weight loss hardly ever includes a catchy announcement or advertisement regarding long-term maintenance. The maintenance program consisted of regular group visits, occasional physician visits, review of nutrition and exercise topics, and visits to restaurants and grocery stores. The treatment plan was multimodal, with a combination of behavior therapy, nutrition counselling, exercise, and anorectic agents. One issue that has been a concern about the use of anorectic agents in long-term maintenance is that their combination with serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors would cause serotonin syndrome. The National Weight Control Registry is an observational cohort study of self-reported, long-term successful weight loss maintenance. Future metabolic considerations for long-term successful maintenance might include manipulation of the gut microbiome.