Em. O. Univ. Professor, Institute of Transportation, Research Center of Transport Planning

and Traffic Engineering, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

The 19th and 20th centuries have introduced modern technical transport modes which have changed the thinking and planning of professionals in a fundamental way. Earlier they had to develop multifunctional urban structures for every neighbourhood, the public space has to be used for nearly all kinds of human activities, mobility, social contact, leisure, playgrounds for children, and meeting places for adults and elderly people. The public space was a scarce good and had to be planned carefully in a socially accepted manner. However, since the advent of the car, former cities have been converted into carriageways for fast car traffic, and are now a barrier for vulnerable road users and a dangerous environment, especially for children. Are vulnerable road users and children the 95% cause of traffic accidents, because of their human errors? The human error which causes deaths and injuries, is brought about by the laws, guidelines, and professional paradigm and thinking of planners, administrators and decision makers. In order to have safe urban areas, the priority is clear: pedestrian safety first, followed by safety cyclists and public transport, far ahead of cars. All traditional standards and cross-sections have to be rewritten and redesigned if we want to live in safe urban areas in the future.