This chapter covers the acute and chronic infections that may be seen by the clinician. Infections of the larynx are common; most people will experience one at some point. Endoscopic evaluation of the adult larynx will show a normal supraglottis but an inflamed larynx and subglottis. Chronic infections of the larynx are probably more common than generally appreciated. Laryngologists should have an understanding of these conditions and their insidious onset and progression. Syphilis of the larynx is rare but there are sporadic reports of involvement by tertiary syphilis. Scleroma of the larynx is found in a subset of patients with rhinoscleroma and is a disease is caused by Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis, which is a subspecies of Klebsiella pneumoniae. In the larynx, the supraglottis and subglottis are commonly involved, with classical blackening and charring of the affected tissue.