Abstract ................................................................................................. 491 27.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 492 27.2 Materials and Methodology ....................................................... 493 27.3 Results and Discussion .............................................................. 494 27.4 Conclusions ................................................................................ 501 Keywords .............................................................................................. 502 References ............................................................................................. 502


The article discusses the results of a qualitative assessment of selection samples of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), as well as the impact of pre-sowing treatment of clover with low intensity X-ray irradiation using a new physical method of investigation – gas discharge visualization. The plants, leaf blades of which have a high intensity of luminescence, differ with largest percentage of sugars. The GDV-bioelectrography allows in short terms to produce a selection of samples of red clover by sugar content, as well as to assess the impact of X-rays on the vitality of clover plants derived from irradiated seeds.