The continuum–discontinuum element method is a dynamic explicit algorithm based on element fracture under the Lagrange system. This method has combined the advantages of the continuous model and the discrete element method. The finite element method and the spring element method can be applied to calculate the internal force of an element and to determine if the element has reached the fracture condition. The discrete element method can be used to detect contact and determine contact force on the fracture plane or on the boundary of a block. It is a unified expression for the whole failure process of a material from continuous state to discontinuous state. A series of new theories, concepts and methods have been merged into this method, which include a spring element method based on the new concept of Poisson spring and pure shear spring, structure layer model with specific physical meaning for the interface springs, a new algorithm which allows elements to fracture during calculation, and a new contact detection method based on edge and face. With the basic models mentioned above, dynamic deformation; fracture and motion of the material; and structure under complex conditions can be simulated with continuum–discontinuum element method.