Potamodromous fi shes move and complete their life cycle entirely within freshwater. Myers (1949) proposed the term potamodromous to distinguish freshwater migratory fi shes from diadromous fi shes, which migrate between the sea and freshwater and oceanodromous fi shes that migrate wholly within the sea. Diadromous fi shes include anadromous, catadromous and amphidromous fi shes (see Chapter 2, Morais and Daverat 2016). Despite its historical precedence, potamodromous has not been broadly accepted. Three other terms, ‘non-anadromous’, ‘resident’, and ‘inland’ are more commonly substituted in the fi sheries literature. Unfortunately, these three terms have multiple defi nitions, as well as regional connotations which may confound their application to a broad geographic area (Gresswell et al. 1997). Consequently, potamodromous provides a more precise and more broadly applicable defi nition of fi shes that remain wholly within freshwater.