To study energetics and structural transitions at the atomistic

level in complex biological molecules such as DNA and proteins

computational modeling represents a powerful and widely used

approach [1]. Traditional experimental techniques, such as X-ray

crystallography and solution NMR, yield insights into these phe-

nomena but are plagued by a number of problems associated with

crystallization and resolution issues, as well as accessibility to short

lived high energy states and time domain information [2]. During

the past two decades, several all-atom empirical force fields (FF) for

biologicalmolecules have been developed, including CHARMM [3, 4],

AMBER [5], GROMOS [6], and OPLS [7], among others. They proved

to be remarkably useful for a range of systems that contain 10,000

or more atoms, being computationally cost-effective due to the

utilization of simplified potential energy functions for determination

of the energies and forces acting on such systems. One of the

major limitations of most of the current force fields associated

with such simplifications is the treatment of electrostatics within

the framework of the fixed-atomic-charge approximation, where

effective charges assigned to particles are independent of a system’s

configuration and are adjusted to account for the influence of in-

duced polarization in an average way. Such force fields are currently

used for most of biomolecular simulations and commonly termed

“additive” indicating they do not account for many-body induced

polarization effects explicitly. However, for many complex biological

systems such as polyanionic DNAor protein immersed in an aqueous

salt environment, whose conformational behavior is determined to

a significant extent by solvation effects and interactions with the

surrounding ionic atmosphere, the omission of polarization effects

may preclude a physically correct description of the forces driving

its conformational behavior. Even for small molecules the dipole

moment is known to vary significantly when they are transferred

from the gas to liquid phase. For example, an isolatedwatermolecule

has a dipole moment of 1.85 D [8], while the average molecular

dipole is 2.1 D in the water dimer, increasing in larger water clusters

[9]. In the condensed phase it reaches a value between 2.4 and 2.6

D, as suggested from classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations

of the dielectric properties [10, 11], and 2.95 D, as obtained from

ab initio MD simulations [12-14] and from analysis of experimental

data [15, 16]. Additionally, our recent computational studies [17,

18], as well as studies of others [19], based on polarizable MD

simulations indicate the water dipole moment to be noticeably

perturbed in the vicinity of the charged groups of proteins.

Moreover, dipole moments of various chemical groups in proteins

itself, such as peptide backbone and side chains, were shown to

behave quite differently in polarizable and non-polarizable environ-

ments [18, 20]. In particular, MD simulations of a number of fully

solvated proteins utilizing our recently developed CHARMM Drude-

2013 polarizable force field produce time series for the dipole

moments of side chains of individual residues characterized by

significant variability and systematically higher values compared to

the additive results [18]. A similar trend was observed for the dipole

moments of nucleic acid bases from MD simulations of DNA [20].

These observations indicate that the variations of the electronic

structure do impact the dynamics of the system and the microscopic

forces dictating the structural and dynamical properties.