This chapter looks at how to get started creating cross platform virtual reality (VR) experiences using Unity and the SteamVR Unity Plugin. It also looks at how to create a VR scene, how to interact with objects, and how to use teleportation as means of locomotion. The SteamVR Unity Plugin is a collection of assets provided by Valve to make creating VR experiences using Unity on OpenVR devices as simple as possible. In addition, Valve has included code for the Interaction System; a lightweight and flexible system for interacting with game objects and managing the context specific behavior of tracked VR devices by sending messages based on Hover and Attached states to interactable game objects. The Player prefab, located under Assets/SteamVR/InteractionSystem/Core/Prefabs, represents the user in the scene and is the core of the Interaction System. While the Player prefab forms the core of the Interaction System, the Hand class is the real workhorse.