This chapter introduces a stabilized and reinforced earthen masonry (SREM) system that manufactured using soil widely available throughout the US "Tornado Alley", and engineered for deployment in tornado-resistant dwelling and safety-shelter structures. The research goal is to prototype and characterizes a SREM system that pairs the "green" features and affordability of earthen masonry with the strength and deformability needed for tornado-resistant structures. Earth masonry made of compressed and stabilized earth blocks and stabilized earth mortar is emerging as a construction material for high-quality "green" dwellings. Attractive "green" features encompass energy efficiency and ability to passively maintain the indoor humidity within an ideal 40-60% range, markedly lower carbon emissions and embodied energy compared to concrete masonry units and fired clay bricks and local availability of source materials. The prototype stabilized earth mortar was modified by incorporating low-cost polyvinyl alcohol fibers.