The history of droughts in the Caribbean has revealed that impacts are socially wide-reaching, economically substantial, and diverse across sectors, and that the region is plagued by inadequate risk management. During the past decades, the Caribbean has experienced several drought events, including the two most recent events in 2009–2010 and 2014–2016. Until the late 1800s, managing the impacts of drought focused primarily on preserving crown and estate wealth by decreasing the losses to plantation crops and livestock. From the late 1800s until recent decades, the focus of drought management shifted toward greater consideration of local societal needs. In January 2009, Caribbean Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) launched the Caribbean Drought and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CDPMN) aimed at monitoring drought and delivering prognostic climate information at both the national and regional scales. The operationalized system immediately showed its value by providing Caribbean Community (CARICOM) governments with situation analyses and advice beginning in January 2010.