Transitions in electronic systems have been represented by various technologies based on a soft platform, and such an unusual format allows electronics to integrate with biology for a wide scope of clinical, medical applications. All electronic components consist of diverse biocompatible and bioresorbable electronic materials, including mono-crystalline silicon nanomembranes for semiconductors, Mg for conductors, MgO as dielectrics, and silk as substrates and encapsulants. Beyond these materials described, other degradable materials are also possible. Fundamental kinetics of hydrolysis of bioresorbable electronic materials are dependent on pH values, chemical composition of solutions, doping type and concentration of materials, and temperature and external conditions. The ultimate, desired behavior for dissolvable electronics is to operate in a stable mode as that of conventional electronics within a certain period in aqueous solutions and/or the body, then completely dissolve and disappear. Various potential applications for bioresorbable electronic implants with silicon-based elements require thorough in vitro/vivo investigations of constituent materials for their toxicity and degradability.