Particle deposition is a phenomenon in which particles that are suspended in a fluid are transported to a wall and make permanent or temporary contact with the surface of the wall. Particle reentrainment refers to the resuspension of particles that had been deposited on a surface. The transport of particles in a fluid was examined by either the Eulerian method or the Lagrangian method. In the Eulerian method, the particle phase is treated as a continuum or “fluid.” The calculation of fluid motion that uses the equation of continuity and the Navier–Stokes equations corresponds to the Eulerian method. The transport of particles suspended in a turbulent flow field is enhanced by turbulent eddies in the fluid. In the Lagrangian method, it is necessary to compute the trajectories of thousands of particles to hundreds of thousands of particles to obtain statistically reliable results. The concept of reentrainment of aggregates from a particle deposition layer.