Milling induces mechanochemical effects such as phase transformation and solid state reaction. The polymorphic transformations are the crystallographic structural change from one to other phases, and this does not, of course, involve an alteration of chemical composition. A lot of investigations on mechanochemical reaction have been reported so far, however it seems to be difficult to forward the solid state reactions mechanically by the milling operation due to powder characteristics. Besides oxides, a mechanochemical approach can be extended to synthesize complex fluorides. One of the methods for producing nanoparticles would be a use of mechanochemical reaction. In general, water in the reaction system plays a big role to control the mechanochemical reaction. Mechanochemistry on sulfides and sulfide minerals has been intensively investigated by P. Balaz, and another effort has been focused on recovery of non-ferrous metal oxides in ash by applying sulfuration followed by flotation.