Understanding the kinetics of solidification in the mold during the continuous casting process of steelmaking is important for steelmakers. Most of the surface and subsurface defects in the cast are influenced by the characteristics of initial solidification in the mold. The rate of heat extraction from the mold, coupled with flow behavior of liquid steel in the mold, primarily controls the solidification behavior. Among the several advance techniques used for alteration of fluid flow and solidification, electromagnetic braking in slab and electromagnetic stirring in billet/bloom are the most important ones. The major consequences of improper solidification are breakout, bulging beneath the mold, stresses in strand causing defects, and friction and sticking between solidified shell and mold wall. The present chapter mainly highlights the mechanism of solidification in the mold, methods of controlling the solidification, modelling of solidification, and consequences of an inappropriate solidification in the mold.