Plants that are medicinal and aromatic have long been related to human health and culture. Plant-derived medications are a significant part of today’s human healthcare systems, both in developed and developing nations. Phytopharmaceutical is modern terminology for a range of natural chemicals that comprise herbs and plant-derived substances which are utilized as nutritional as well as medicinal supplements. They are byproducts of plant secondary metabolism and play a role in a variety of different elements of the relationship of a plant with its surroundings. Attempts to modify secondary-product metabolic pathways are aided by genetic modification of plants and the construction of in vitro plant regeneration systems. Continued advancements in genetic tools and techniques, such as gene cloning, advancement in the identification of secondary plant metabolites, and high throughput monitoring technologies, have made it easier to implement strategies for manipulating a plant’s secondary products. In this chapter, we will go through the several types of phytonutrients found in spices, medicinal plants, and aromatic plants, as well as their medical uses and biotechnological interventions.