Metabolic normalization of cancer cells and concomitant inhibition of carcinogenesis may potentially also be attained by induction of mitochondrial biogenesis and mitochondrial correction. The possibility exists to cause such cells to revert back to normal aerobic cells, capable of normal function via metabolic and mitochondrial correction, which may be accomplished in a number of ways. The goal of this diet is to shift the body from burning mostly glucose to burning mostly ketones. An important element of phospholipid homeostasis is that the phospholipids in the mitochondria can be modified by dietary glycerolphospholipids and fatty acids. Cancer and degenerative diseases in general are increasing to epidemic proportions in all industrialized countries. Cancer has been widely considered a genetic disease involving nuclear mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes; this view persists despite the numerous inconsistencies associated with the somatic mutation theory.