Sound, Light and Color presents a sensory integration approach to sound and color in the healing arts. Sound and color practices originating in syntonic optometry, creative arts therapy, sound healing and the psychology of visualization are presented in the context of creating a coherent mind–body environment. The primary focus is the use of sound and color to prevent the onset of physical and mental conditions as well as to support professional treatment for diagnosed conditions. We recognize that when a client is coherent, conditions that we may be trained to treat oftentimes resolve as part of a holistic healing process. For this reason, there is an important distinction to be made between specific evidence-based treatments and general holistic practices that have been shown to enhance mind–body coherency. The integration of sound and color has been in the past, and ideally will be going forward into the future, a place where science and art meet. What is most important is that the experience of sensory integration be understood as normal and further researched as an important component of a natural healing process that leads to greater mental and physical adaptability in all aspects of life.